Vitamin C Ascorbate does AMAZING things in the body! Check out some of the life-giving benefits below.
Also, don’t miss the video of Amy Steeves, one of our Naturopathic Doctors, give an informative video on how to perform a Vitamin C Flush!
What’s In It For Me?
- Improved blood vessel and cardiovascular integrity.
- Enhances healthy hormone regulation and function and reduces unhealthy hormone actions.
- Enhances proper neurotransmitter functions and reduces unhealthy actions.
- Promotes immune system health and reduces unhealthy actions.
- Enhances nitrous oxide (NO) functions for improved blood flow.
- Enhances and repairs detoxification functions.
- Enhances ATP energy production at the cellular level.
- Enhances healthy bone formation.
- Enhances and rebuilds glutathione function to protect cells.
- Promotes iron balance, enables absorption and helps eliminate excess if needed.
- Reduces bio-accumulation of toxins.
- Improves bowel transit time.
- Protects cellular DNA from oxidative damage.
- Reduces toxic/heavy metals in the body.
- Enhances natural anti-cancer surveillance activity of the immune system.
- Enhances lymphocyte activity for direct tumor cytolytic effect to attack viruses and cancer cells.
- Scurvy resistance.
I Want It. How Do I Get It?
We carry a professional grade, high quality, bioavailable Vitamin C that is not available in most stores! After 25 years of business, this is one of most highly sought after products. Click here to email your order for shipment, or just come by our office to pick up yours today! We are open M-F!
What’s Next?
Already love the Vitamin C Ascorbate flush and want to know more on how to improve your health, based on your individual needs? Click here to schedule an appointment with our experienced Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist! He has been helping people reach their God-given health potential for over 25 years!